Production use -------------- Required products: Gnu/Linux - However, IOPC 2 is not platform dependent. If windows port of the library will be built in the future, the installation process would be similar - Ubuntu 8.10 and Ubuntu 6.06 has been tested Oracle 10g (all editions) - Accessible, empty, database with iopc/iopc credentials Environment: ORACLE_HOME must be set: export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server IOPC 2 libraries must be located int the shared library search path * either copy the IOPC 2 *.so libraries (located in the dvd://iopc/build subdirectory) to a path such as /usr/lib/ * or set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to a path containing those libraries Oracle libraries must be located in the shared library search path Together with the iopc library search path: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/iopc/iopc/build;/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/lib" Now the examples or any user application can be run. (See the dvd://iopc/build/ script) Development use --------------- Same requirements as above plus: GCC - tested with 4.3.2 version libXerces 2.8.0 or higher - tested with this version, lower versions may also work GCCXML - latest CVS snapshot or any GCCXML package provided with the linux distribution used - just needs to be tested on a CPP file that includes required STL libraries IOPC SP (dvd://iopc/build/iopcsp) - best used with compilation scripts provided in the dvd://iopc/compile_scripts subdirectory Compilation: C++ compiler flags: -I $(INCLUDEDIR) where INCLUDEDIR refers to an IOPC 2 include path (dvd://iopc/include) Linker flags: -liopccommon -liopcmeta -liopcdb -liopclib -liopcdriver_oracle10g -liopcdriverex_oracle10g_or -lclntsh -lnnz10 -L$(ORACLE_LIB_DIR) -L$(IOPC_LIB_DIR) where ORACLE_LIB_DIR refers to the oracle library path as mentioned above (/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/lib) IOPC_LIB_DIR refers to the directory containing IOPC 2 libraries (/home/iopc/iopc/build) - not necessary if IOPC 2 libraries are placed into a standard library path such as /usr/lib To create the type catalogues, compile with or scripts (instead of g++) as illustrated in the provided Makefiles and Eclipse CDT examples.