db.columnattributestringTable column associated with the attribute. Default value: name of the attribute.
db.column.sqlattributestringSpecifies the column expression used to select value for the attribute. Used in transient classes which represent query results. See the section called “Querying persistent objects”.
db.indexattributestringIf specified, the SQL CREATE script will create index on the attribute. The index will be named as the value of this metadata.
db.index.uniqueattributestringIf specified, the SQL CREATE script will create unique index on the attribute. The index will be named as the value of this metadata.
db.mapping. inserttoattributestringIf filtered mapping is used, this metadata specifies the destination table/class for the class attributes.
db.mapping.typetypestringMapping type for the associated class. Allowed values are: vertical, horizontal, filtered, object. If filtered is used, db.mapping.insertto must be specified. Default value: vertical oidSequence.nameglobal settingsstringName of the OID sequence. Default Value: OIDSEQ serialIdSequence. nameglobal settingsstringName of the SERIAL ID sequence. Default Value: SERIALSEQ type.sqltypestringSQL type string used in CREATE TABLE statements as column type. Used by the IopcOracle10g driver. Default values are generated by the driver. type.sql.paramtypestringSQL type string used as parameter type. Used by the IopcOracle10g driver. Default values are generated by the driver. workaround.10gOOglobal settingsboolADT polymorphic views are generated in a different way to work around a bug in Oracle 10g. See Appendix B, Sample schema SQL scripts.
db.primarykeyattributeboolAttribute is part of the class/table primary key.
db.query.skipqueryN/AWhen used as class metadata in a query statement like this: WHERE x$::Class[db.query.skip]:: attribute$ = 1 the table qualifier is skipped and only the column name is rendered: WHERE x.attribute = 1
db.tabletypestringDatabase table associated with the class. Default value: name of the class
db.transienttype / attributeboolType level - tells the library that the class is transient and that it does not have an identity. Attribute level - attribute is transient, it is not mapped on any database column. Default value: false
db.typetypestringDatabase type associated with the class. Default value is tClassName.
db.type.lengthtype / attributeintDatabase column length, maximum number of characters that can be fetched or stored from/to database for the associated type/attribute. Default value: 2000 (for all string types)
db.type.notNulltype / attributestringCorresponding database table columns will be generated as NOT NULL by the ScriptsGenerator.
db.view.pvtypestringName of the associated polymorphic view. Default value: [db.table]_PV
db.view.svtypestringName of the associated simple view. Default value: [db.table]_SV
db.viewColumnattributestringView column associated with the attribute. Applies to all views. Default value: [db.column]
scripts.excludetypeboolNo SQL CREATE or DROP scripts are generated for the class.