Second, let's discuss the mapping of classes and inheritance hierarchies. It is quite obvious that user-defined types can be used for this task. Abstract data types can be created for each class in the inheritance hierarchy by copying its inheritance graph. Instances of the types can be then inserted into one table. The earlier presented Example 2.1, “Using object types in Oracle” displays structures that may be generated for classes from Figure 2.1, “Example class hierarchy” using such kind of database mapping.
This type of mapping is referred to as ADT mapping in this thesis[9]. Its benefit is that it moves most of the responsibilities of the persistence layer to the underlying database system. For example obtaining a list of fully-loaded instances of specific type and its descendants involves several joins in the vertical mapping (filtered mappings or other variations using the combined mapping). This must be "planned" by the persistence layer. All such polymorphic queries are best performed using the ADT mapping (see the Example 2.5, “A polymorphic query using object-relational features of the Oracle database.”), as all these tasks can be accomplished only using the user-defined types and SQL3 queries or statements.
A serious problem for a persistence layer using the ADT mapping is that there are major differences between database systems in the object-relational area. For example DB2 does not offer any type similar to the Oracle VARRAY data type. Or another example - in DB2 you have to create whole table hierarchy for inherited object types - much like as you would when creating storage structures for a vertically-mapped data type. These issues imply that the persistence layer should be flexible and modular enough to be able to support different database systems.
Another problem is multiple inheritance of ADTs. Although SQL3 standard supports multiple inheritance, it is not implemented neither in the current version of Oracle nor in the current version of DB2.